Hurricane Electric

Minimal BGP Config

sh conf produces too many lines, can you just give me a little example?

Customer Router Portion

conf t
ip as-path access-list 1 permit ^$
ip as-path access-list 9 deny ^.*$
route-map setmetric1 permit 10
set metric 1
route-map setmetric10 permit 10
set metric 10
route-map setmetric100 permit 10
set metric 100
autonomous-system NNNN
ip route YourBlock YourMask null0
router bgp NNNN
no synchronization
bgp always-compare-med
network YourBlock mask YourMask
neighbor X.X.X.X remote-as 6939
neighbor X.X.X.X next-hop-self
neighbor X.X.X.X filter-list 1 out
A couple of comments about the minimal BGP config

The ip route statement is a pull up route to make sure your main block is announced.

The bgp allways compare med and the setmetric1,10,100 are meant to enable you to steer traffic by applying route map statements to your peering sessions. This allows you to allways prefer the shortest route and then set a preference which determines how same length routes are preferred among your peers/transit providers. For example, we prefer peer routes before transit routes so we set peer routes to a low med.

Transit Provider Router Portion

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